Hungarian broadcaster expands coverage to Middle East through Rudaw

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A private Hungarian television station came to Rudaw Media Network’s headquarters on Sunday to announce a new content-sharing agreement with the Erbil-based Kurdish broadcaster.

ATV – Hungary will start a new channel called “ATV Spirit” to show its audience the Middle East through a program called “World Panorama”.

“We started negotiations with different foreign TV channels. This is the reason we are here to start negotiations with Rudaw TV,” said Andras Novak, International Chief Adviser at ATV – Hungary, who has himself reported from Iraq during the ISIS conflict. 

“In the last couple of months we tested Rudaw and checked your website, your news, and we could see it’s really correct.”

“You are doing your job very well. You collect the news not only from Kurdistan but across the Middle East from Iran to Syria to Turkey from Baghdad,” Novak added. 

“You have to understand that everything that happens here and from ISIS affects us in Europe such as the refugee crisis. If something happens here, a couple of months later it will be happening in the Balkans and in the European Union.”

The channel, which began broadcasting in 1989 under the name Magyar, airs throughout Hungary. Its programs are distributed in Romania and Slovakia. It is also in negotiations with the US-based network CNN.

“Events happen so rapidly around the world. To keep up with changes we need more resources that provide us good quality material,” said Rudaw Media Network in a statement on the deal.  

“Although Rudaw has partnerships and contracts with multiple agencies that provide us with material, our international desk at Rudaw believe the more resources you have the faster you can tell your audience what’s going on.”

Rudaw Media Network is part of the 50-member, mostly-European commercial broadcast network called ENEX.

“Partnership with ENEX is a great service. Other than having access to more, up-to-the-minute events, we receive material from our partners across the world and share material with our partners,” said Rudaw Media Network.

“We are excited to have signed this partnership with ATV - Hungary. This deal will let us know what agencies are covering and also what material we can expect from our partners.”

“Rudaw’s tremendous resources in cities across Kurdistan, Iraq, Turkey, Europe, and the United States, coupled with the most modern technology, allow the network to deliver news quickly and accurately.”