Manbij forces are on high alert

Tags: Manbij Manbij Military Council
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MANBIJ, Syria – There is a tense expectation hanging over the northern Syrian city of Manbij. 

“We are expecting enemy attacks from all sides,” said commander Mohammed Abu Hassan.

Another commander, Khalil Mustafah, said the international coalition has increased its patrols in the area from weekly to daily. 

Two years ago, the Manbij Military Council, with the backing of coalition jets, wrested control of Manbij from ISIS. The council, backed by Kurdish forces, has since secured the area. 

But Turkey believes the Kurdish forces are branches of the banned PKK and have threatened military action against Manbij. 

The US and Turkey this week announced they have reached an agreement for a road map for the future of Manbij, but the full details have not been disclosed yet. 

While talks about their future happen in the halls of power in Washington and Ankara, forces of the Manbij Military Council wait and watch, on high alert. 


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