VIDEO: The place where ISIS processed and made chemical weapons

Tags: Iraq Mosul ISIS Iraqi Army Peshmerga Chemical Weapon Lab Rockets
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Iraqi troops have come across many ISIS weapons in Mosul. Some are large rockets, 6 meters long. Commander of Iraq's counterterrorism forces, Abdulwahab al-Saadi said: "This area was a no-go zone for civilians. Only ISIS militants could come here. We don't have exact info on its use, range and effect."

Under one roof alone there are more than 25 such rockets. Fazil Barwari, commander of the Golden Divison told Rudaw: "We don't know where they've got these from. The rocket and chemical material are all kept in coolers. The rockets are smart. Before fleeing, ISIS has taken out the rocket's system."

The commanders say mustard gas was made here and machines seen in the video were used in processing the chemicals. ISIS has used chemical weapons against Peshmerga and the Iraqi army and most of the rockets and mortars are improvised.


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